Auto Fuse Link Selection

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Auto Fuse Link Selection


With regard to the product safety of the device and the life/reliability of the fuse, the right choice is important.

Safety principles are considered only when properly selected and used in an agreed manner the determination function of the fuse chain can be used as a protective part. “Any person involved in the production of electrical systems or in the manufacture of electrical equipment, including persons involved in the operation of such systems or equipment, is individually responsible for complying with all aspects of accepted rules, electrical engineering procedures, in accordance with the current legal interpretation.“

The necessary rated voltage of the fuse chain is determined by the required operating voltage. The rated current of the fuse is determined by the maximum value.

The effective current load takes into account the ambient temperature and changes in the rated current definition. The necessary breaking capacity of the fuse chain is determined by the maximum value.The fault current that may occur.

In addition to the above points, the installation method is also important for the correct fuse chain selection. With regard to the specific conditions of any particular application, it is usually necessary to check the safety wire connection and/or thermal circuit breaker or retention device in the equipment, which is protected under normal and faulty conditions!